Thursday, May 1, 2008


Hello All,
Looks like this is getting off the ground. Joe and I are approaching the home stretch with the River House renovations. Only last week one of the overhead cupboards fell on my head. Not to worry though, I was still able to paint, sand, clean, wash the floors, AND keep beer in the fridge. Seriously, the apartment is almost finished and we hope you will stop by any time or make plans to use it. We are planning an Open HOuse sometime in June and we hope most of the in town peeps can make it. Joe2 has been home for what will amount to almost 36 hours. First he renewed his drivers license and then was deemed fit and of good character in a pre-bar-interview that was necessary prior to him taking the bar. Now, he can party! NOT
Erica will be home MOnday for a few days. Then she returns to a new job with a St. Louis Alderman and financial advisor. She is excited: one because he is a Democrat and two because she will get lots of 401K experience. BUT, they both can speak for themselves and I'm sure they will.
Th th th That's All Folks

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